Hemp Distillate 3%-24% CBD in Olive Oil


Full spectrum from E.U. certified Cannabis Sativa L. seeds organically grown. CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, leaves and stems of hemp plant. Enriched product in Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil from Cold Extrusion processes.

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CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, leaves and stems of hemp plant and has, as its name suggests, high Cannabidiol (CBD) content. The extraction method used is CO2 supercritical extraction, a high-tech green method which maintains all the characteristics and the healing properties of the starting plant. CBD oil does not have any psychotropic effect in human body and like other cannabinoids activates the vital human endocannabinoic system. The endocannabinoic system consists of a set of receptors responsible for maintaining the body’s homeostasis and regulating the basic functions of human biology.


CBD distillate, organic extra virgin olive oil


Cannabidiol oil (CBD) has been shown to have several beneficial properties in the body and can be used for the regulation/improvement of:

blood pressure / cardiovascular system
premenstrual syndrome
complex mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder
Euro-degenerative diseases (eg Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s) and autoimmune diseases (such as multiple sclerosis and lupus erythematosus)


Shake the vial before use
Push the dropper pump pump to fill with oil,
Drip the drops sublingually, keep the oral cavity sealed for about two (2) minutes

Avoid exposure to light and heat.

Not suitable for use in pregnancy or breastfeeding and in persons under 18 years.”